If you or anyone you know was affected by the recent hailstorm, please call our storm center hotline 267-651-0808 to receive immediate service

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As leading providers of roofing repair services in South Jersey, our top priority is protecting the people in our community, but we don’t just stop at home improvements. We care about your family’s health and safety. During these uncertain times, as people throughout New Jersey and all over the globe adjust their lives to cope with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you can count on the team here at Cherry Roofing and Siding to help in any way we can.

First and foremost, we’re taking every precaution at our company to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while remaining committed to serving customers. If you have any questions about our policies and practices, feel free to give us a call or fill out a contact form on our website. 

Now, let’s take a look at COVID-19 and what you can do to help stop it from spreading. 

COVID-19 is a severe respiratory illness that produces three primary symptoms: fever, cough, and shortness of breath. It is believed to be spread between people in close contact with one another (within six feet apart), through droplets that enter the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. 

While there is currently no vaccine for COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended several steps people can take to protect themselves and their loved ones. For the next eight weeks, the CDC has advised that event organizers throughout the country postpone or cancel any large gatherings of more than 50 people. Additionally, anyone who doesn’t feel well is encouraged to stay home, and if you have elderly loved ones or neighbors who might have compromised immune systems, be sure to check on them regularly.

We’ve listed a few more precautions in the following infographic:

Cherry Roofing and Siding

While the CDC does not recommend that face masks be worn by people who feel well, they are recommended for anyone who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 OR anyone who is caring for someone with symptoms. If you or anyone in your family is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical attention immediately. 

Here at Cherry Roofing and Siding, our focus is always on the wellbeing of our customers. We’re here whenever you need us to help ease your mind, whether it’s to provide window repairs in Gloucester Township, NJ, with the utmost attention to detail, or just to offer support, encouragement, and advice.

Questions? Concerns? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team today!